All electricity generation and heat use is renewable in Iceland, coming either from hydro power stations or geothermal fields at high and medium temperature. A very small portion of the electricity is generated from wind energy. See detailed energy statistics at our National Energy Authority.

Around 190 MW electric power is installed in the North­east area, mostly from geothermal plants operating in the high-temperature fields at Krafla and Þeistareykir (Theistareykir) but also from hydropower at Laxá I, II and III. The potential of further generation in the area is up to 10-times greater and even more when including future prospects from supercritical geothermal fields.

The main transport grid is at 132 kV, branching off at lower voltages to the more rural areas. The more energy intensive industries receive power at 220 kV (e.g. PCC, delivered from Theistareykir/Krafla) and the grid is expanded as required for the larger consumers of electricity.